Novoking beta – I’m starting the Novoking beta

I got the Novoking beta invitation last night.  I have it installed now, I think, and have clicked on what might be the shortcut for running the program. I have some screenshots of the installation process.  I haven’t made it into the 3D world yet.

And I don’t have any more time now,  I have to go to work.   More later.

====== later.

Error!  I suspect it’s that I have an unrelated physics processing system installed.  Maybe. So the installation went fine.  Running Novoking  produced an “always on top” screen that made taking screenshots difficult.  I clicked the first button, labeled in Chinese, of course,and it appeared to open the Novoking web site. I clicked the second button, I think it was, and got an error message with the english word Physics embedded in it.

More later.

6 Responses to “Novoking beta – I’m starting the Novoking beta”

  1. Timbo Urbanowicz Says:

    Great Sue! (not the error thing ofcourse, but the beta invitation) Keep us updated.. And is it alright if I blog your stories on a dutch virtual worlds weblog?

  2. Sue Baskerville (SuezanneCB) Says:

    Well, sure, and my “luck” has changed, I’ve made it into Novoking, and it’s great looking, to my eyes. I’m taking some pictures of it right now. I’ll make a post.

  3. jie@cn Says:

    I can see that your Postings in novoking web site.
    The novoking is testing.I feel Its no fun now

  4. Sue Baskerville Says:

    I’m glad I got to take some nice pictures last night. This night of attempted Novoking-ing has not worked at all. I can get inworld, but I crash shortly thereafter. Reminds me of SL. :).

    You are right, early beta testing periods are not always a lot of fun, especially if the programs being tested aren’t feature complete, and the things they lack are the fun things. However, you have to crawl before you walk, so they say; features take time to write and bugs take time to fix, so beta testing has it’s place.

    I’m in the beta of Tabula Rasa, for a different example, and if I liked shooter games I’d probably say that it’s fun. I’m also in the Taikodom beta, and while I am no good at all at it, it’s beautiful looking and pleasant enough to fiddle around in. I’m trying to get in the Exteel beta, which I will probably not be real good at, but it will probably seem pleasant enough to me to play with it for a while.

  5. Sue Baskerville Says:

    Novoking looks beautiful, and it’s just started it’s first closed limited beta testing, so it’s not reasonable to expect it to be “fun” like the finished version will be.

    Some folks like solving the NY Times crosswords puzzle, and some folks would find it to impossible and torturous. Same thing with testing beta programs, doubly so with one with an interface in a language you can’t read a word of.

    Novoking has been such a bad puppy tonight I’m uninstalling it before reinstalling it and then giving up till tomorrow. Tomorrow I’ll do a windows update and update my video card drivers. I don’t know why it would work yesterday and not work today .

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