uWorld upgraded, uWorld no longer works

I got an email advising me of an upgrade to the uWorld virtual world.

Following the link in the email led to a page with two choices, which Google language tools translated as a choice between a patch and a complete new install file.

I tried the patch first.  After installing the patch, I was unable to connect to uWorld.  The program starts, but vanished from the screen with no error message.

Then I tried the complete installation.  This will get to the login screen, but doesn’t proceed.  Clicking the big button which I believe means “log on” doesn’t cause you to connect and log on.

Anyone had any luck getting the new version of uWorld to work on English localized Windows?

3 Responses to “uWorld upgraded, uWorld no longer works”

  1. Wangxiang Tuxing Says:

    I went throught the same process as you did and I got exactly the same problems. The result is the same : it doesn’t work.

  2. Sue Baskerville (SuezanneCB) Says:

    I’m wondering if there is some additional Chinese localization needed that we did for the earlier version but have forgotten about.

  3. Sue Baskerville (SuezanneCB) Says:

    Or maybe we are supposed to do something further on the web site, which will be hard, since I can’t read Chinese, and lots of their website does not respond to translation programs – either the text is images or it’s so Flashed or Ajaxed up it doesn’t work when you try to use a site like Google language tools on it.

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